Friday, October 8, 2010

Rejang River is crying !!!

These were the sad scenes of our beloved Rejang River.Tons and loads of timber deribes were floating down from upper region of Rejang River.Don't know whether the authorities feel ashame within their hearts when seeing the illigal cutting of the timbers not following the regulations,which also seriously spoiled the environment affecting everyone of us !!! DAMN !!!


  1. I was shocked when i saw a video of this scene. This is the worst disaster happened to Rajang River and I feel very shameful of it.

  2. I totally agree with you peter ! I was there taking these pics with heavy sad heart ! It proves the authorities were not doing their jobs,just see the small trees being cut down anyhow !!

  3. Tong, thanks for putting up these pics. A real pity !! A beautiful town like Sibu being Mess up by people who look after their own self interests only.

  4. Thank you so much Ah Meng n Savvyyeo ,we all feel the same within our hearts ,but those people r greedy and hypocrite !! They r ugly !!
    I put on these pics with real sad heart,i think this is the part i can do to show to the world,who knows maybe one day the environment green team members will put a pressure to those lousy ugly group of people,let's pray to God .
