Monday, August 23, 2010

my private sexy models -----A

These pretty long-legged,yellow body with dark brown strippings,big red eyes are my private sexy models at my backyard garden.They are so pretty and sexy in shape that made me sweat a lot LOL..........:-)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

The CANON man

Oh yes,this is my good friend posting with guitar and Canon gears,he is Abang Kalip ( we use to call him Abana not Obama ! ) He is a CANON man,who owns various Canon camera bodies and lenses !

Monday, August 16, 2010

my 2500km travel frm Sibu to KK---2 photographers

With this pic marks the end of this series.That is me,to my right is my ex-prefect during mid '60 of Methodist Secondary School,mdm Chang Yi. I gratefully thank her for warming hospitality during our time in Miri !

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

my 2500km travel frm Sibu to KK ---Sunday market at Brunei

The people,the river,the river-taxis,the big colorful umbrellas,made up this rich energenic scene. It was on 6th of June '10,and it was a sunny Sunday.

my 2500km travel frm Sibu to KK --- ' water-taxis ' on Brunei River

It seems that the northern region of Sarawak and Brunei are very popular in 'river-taxi' as an important means of transportation.The 'taxis' are mediun size speedboats with high power engines,so as the time of going to and fro from kampungs to town is efficiently shortened.

my 2500km travel frm Sibu to KK --- Kg. Patau-Patau 2. Labuan

Kg. Patau-Patau 2 is a very beautifully well-built kampung houses on water of Labuan seacoast.For we photographers,it is heaven ! it is so romantically artistic,every angle is an art work if you can takle the light source ! According to the local people,it's lucky for them to stay at Kg,Patau-Patau 2,cause the houses there
are still mantained as what they are,not like at Patau 1,there the houses are mostly rebuilt to modern style.