Thursday, February 23, 2012

images from Saratok---flowers A

Recent trip to Saratok with good friend Steve Ling on 19th of Feb. Great thanks to Kapitan Tay for his hospitality and guiding to 'hunt' around at the jungle. These flowers were all taken at his well cared lovely garden by his wife . Our 2 days 1 night 'hunt' were fruitful .

Friday, February 10, 2012

thread-noodle ( C )

After the ' pulling ' and ' combing ' under the hot sun for several days,when it's completely dry,the noodle is ready for sale on market. As can see,the noodle has been pulled for so long during the process,another term for it is ' long-life ' noodle .

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

thread-noodle ( B )

Besides dehydrating under the sun,thread-noodle has to be taking care of not sticking each other,so the process of 'combing ' is important and necessary . Hot sunny day is the key factor to dry up the noodle completely.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

thread-noodle ( A )

Thread-noodle is a very typical Foochow food.From the flour mixed up to dehydrating process need high intelligence and skill, a simple step in between not cop to the standard would ruin everything ! Thread-noodle is a must when Foochow celebrating birthday,family gathering during especially Chinese New Year...Cook with chicken with soup+boiled egg + a few drops of Foochow red wine, is the standard way,Nowadays,fried thread-noodle is very popular at coffee-shops,the taste is top grade ! Oh !

i feel hungry now ^_^